د. داليا

Dr. Dalia Abbas Mahmood

طبيب مقيم - قسم العظام

Dr. Dalia Graduated from national university of science and technology Oman. postgraduate worked in different departments in governmental. Ospital including (SQUH, AFH) seen more than thousands of patients. Member of organizing committee of Oman stroke society. Holder of BLS and ACLS.Worked as surgical assistant in variety of General, bariatric Surgery and spine surgeries’-Investigator of covid-19 cytokine storm دراسة



  • Patient assessment and diagnosis of orthopedic conditions
  • Attending orthopedic surgeons in surgical procedures
  • Managing pre- and post-operative care for orthopedic patients
  • Conducting orthopedic clinics to follow up on patient progress
  • Collaborating with multi specialty team for complicated Orthopedic Cases
  • أكثر من 5 سنوات
جار التحميل...
مجالات الخبرة
  • Patient assessment and diagnosis of orthopedic conditions
  • Attending orthopedic surgeons in surgical procedures
  • Managing pre- and post-operative care for orthopedic patients
  • Conducting orthopedic clinics to follow up on patient progress
  • Collaborating with multi specialty team for complicated Orthopedic Cases
سنوات الخبرة
  • أكثر من 5 سنوات
حجز المواعيد
جار التحميل...

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